Projektidee – 2016/17
Englisch als Arbeitssprache/Content Language Integrated Learning in 1aw, 1hk, 2ew, 3aw und 3gk
This year’s results can be seen as the last two years’ Erasmus+ projects’ fruits which we have been able to harvest. We are very happy to be able to present a wide range of projects from various subjects in three different levels, plus additional working materials as well as feedback on our project.
Thank you so much to all the students who have worked so hard this year, as well as to all the teachers who have put a lot of time and effort into the ongoing development of our EAA/CLIL-initiative at BG/BRG Leibnitz!
Mit weiteren 60 Interessenten starteten wir heuer den dritten Jahrgang an EAA-Klassen, in denen das Grundkonzept einer Schuleingangswoche (Soziales Lernen verschränkt mit erstem CLIL-Content Language Integrated Learning) und während des Jahres gesteigertem CLIL-Unterricht in M, Biu, Gg, Me, R, Be, Tec/Tex, Inf, Lü in variierendem Ausmaß fortgesetzt wurde.
Im dritten Jahr dieser Initiative ging es darum, unser Konzept für die gymnasialen und realgymnasialen dritten Klassen weiterzuentwickeln und parallel dazu die Adaption der EAA-Initiative auf die zukünftige Oberstufe zu finalisieren.
Zu unseren speziellen Angeboten zählten heuer in allen Jahrgängen die Projektnachmittage, an denen alle Klassen mit Feuereifer an ihren CLIL-Themen und Mini-Projekten arbeiteten. Die vielen positiven Rückmeldungen zu unseren Präsentationsabenden und die großen und schnellen Lernfortschritte unserer Schülerinnen und Schüler bestärken uns, noch mehr Zeit in dieses Projekt zu investieren!
Level 1
1a and 1h have just started learning English one year ago. Have a look at their accomplishments in music, English, sports, biology, arts, information technology and religious education.
English is my favourite subject. This is why I attend the EAA-class. Our last English afternoon was the best. We spent one hour down by the riverside and we were allowed to gather all sorts of natural things. Then we got some sticky tape and ten straws. Our task was to make some protection for an egg. The teacher said, “The egg must not break when you drop it from the first floor!” We had half an hour, then we had to do a presentation. My group “The unicorns” did the best presentation and our egg didn’t break. We were the winners!
by Chiara Zurk, 1aw

This year we did so many cool things. I’ll tell you about them now. First to the beginning of the year – we talked about the “Present Simple”. That’s the only time where you put an “-s” to the 3rd person. In October, we had our “Halloween-English afternoon”. That was a lot of fun. We played “Bingo” and we got wrapped with toilet paper. Then we ran down the floor to the wall and back. That was funny and cool. Our second English afternoon was in December. There we heard a funny story about the gingerbread man. We ate so many cookies. We did lots of grammar and stories. I love “The Story of the Stones”. That’s an English story in the Students Book, but there is also a movie. We learned four tenses. The Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the going-to-Future and the Past Simple. Listening- and Reading Comprehensions are very important to Mr Duncan. Because of that, we did many of them. Emily wanted to turn on the projector every time, so she ran from the last row to the first, jumped on the desk and turned it on. It was like a race. That is and was always funny. I love the games we played too. That’s cool every time. I love English.
by Nora Man, 1h

Level 2
Year 2 is our only year with just one class of very gifted students. They even did their presentation at the “Faszination Technik” awards all in English and were awarded the second prize in their age group!
Youtube: „Faszination Technik 2017“
In general, the 2e has been very explorative and curious this year. Due to their lively character the English afternoons allowed them to explore the marshlands looking for animal tracks, their hideouts and habitats. Nevertheless, cultural aspects in different English speaking countries were as interesting and needed to be searched for curiosities. In close cooperation with the class teachers ancient Egypt and physics for life were represented at the final parents evening. Of course, English sketches and a good deal of wonderful music made this evening a great performance by the kids.

Level 3
Our pupils from year three have indeed come a long way- they are the first students at our school to have benefited from EAA/CLIL for full three years. We are very proud of their achievements!
We are also happy that these students have carried the EAA/CLIL initiative into both school types, “Gymnasium”/languages branch (3a) and “Realgymnasium”/sciences branch (3h). We are very curious to see as to what extent EAA/CLIL will flourish in both school types in the next few years.
This year’s English afternoons in 3a have covered the following topics: After learning more about Diwali and the Gingerbread Man, we made our own Christmas sparklers. Next, we focused on the United States of America: its regions, states and well-known cities and sights such as Mount Rushmore. When Donald Trump became president, we took this chance to find out more about other important presidents such as G. Washington, A. Lincoln, J.F. Kennedy and B. Obama. Another afternoon focused on the Gold Rush in California and Native American tribes. We even designed our own class totem pole! Also, we’ve done lots and lots of new experiments in Physics (we can even explain the Greenhouse Effect in English!) and have learnt lots of new English vocabulary in all the other subjects. And it’s still fun!

Maths project: What is the height of our school?
The 3aw has the answer to this question and they didn’t have to actually climb to the roof of the school to measure the height! Check out the following BBC report about their project and learn about the intercept theorem and how to use it in real life.
3aw and 3hk were the first EAA classes at our school. We really like it here because we have always loved English and so it is not really difficult for us. We speak English in almost every subject except in German, of course. We think the EAA class has two advantages: On the one hand it is very useful in later life because nowadays you need English really often in various jobs, and on the other hand we know so much vocabulary because we learn everything in English, too.
Now in 3rd form it is normal for us to speak English and it is very funny because we always say e. g. “Was ist heute homework?” or “Heute haben wir English afternoon”. There are many good things about the EAA class, like our trips and native speakers. Sometimes we have English afternoons. There we work on projects, play games, do funny things and so on. Once a year we have a parents’ evening where we sing songs, play sketches, and make experiments and quizzes with the audience.
We like our class very much because we are very crazy and all the lessons are great fun!
Johanna Grailer & Angelina Tuchscherer, 3hk
Art – Keep the Golden Heart
A few months ago the 3hK started a big film-project in art education. We tried to produce our own stop-motion-film in two different languages with the title: “Keep the golden heart”.
First, it was important to find a story, so every student wrote one and later the class chose one story. Then the class was split into groups: one group had to draw and colour the background, one group designed the moving parts of the film, and one group recorded different sounds and created dialogues. Lukas, the technical specialist had to photograph each motive, helpers moved the objects a little further (about 140 pictures). Then Lukas cut and edited the film. All groups had to communicate and exchange ideas. Teamwork was the basis of the whole project. After a few lessons the progress was visible and everyone was happy about every step towards success.
The main part of the story was taken from an already existing story – we just transformed the meaning into modern times. The main message is included in this excerpt: “If someone hurts or disappoints us, we should write it in the sand, so the wind is able to blow it away. If someone helps or saves us, we should engrave it in a stone, so that it is saved forever and the wind isn´t able to delete it.”
Youtube: „Keep the golden heart“