Level 1
Splendid 1ew EAA presentation evening
After just one year at our school, 1ew pupils have showcased all their skills across the subjects of the curriculum and performed English skits, sang English songs, presented subject topics in English and hosted English quizzes. What an amazing evening!
1ew: Unser erstes Jahr am BRG Leibnitz – unser erstes Jahr EAA
Im ersten Jahr ist es immer am schwersten. Neue Lehrer, neue Klassenkameraden, neue Schule, vielleicht sogar eine neue Umgebung. Trotzdem ist es uns allen sehr gut gegangen.
Es wurden viele neue Freundschaften geschlossen und alle sind recht gut miteinander ausgekommen. Aber ein paar Streitigkeiten sind normal und kleine oder auch größere Ausrutscher gehören dazu.
Our class teacher, the nice Miss Braunegger, always has new and great ideas for social learning class.
Bei den Feueralarmen ging eine große Aufregung durch die Klasse, aber alle sind etwas anders mit der Situation umgegangen. Das viele Lernen für die Schularbeiten und Tests war ganz schön anstrengend.
The first year in the English class was cool. We learned English terms in all subjects. But in German class we spoke German.
Etwas ganz Aufregendes waren die EAA-Nachmittage mit den Themen: Halloween, Christmas, St. Patricks Day und den Ländern Australien, Großbritannien und Kanada. Am 17. Juni haben wir noch unseren Elternabend. In allen Fächern haben wir etwas dafür vorbereitet. In Deutsch haben wir zum Beispiel darüber geredet, wie wichtig englische Ausdrücke in allen Sprachen, also auch Deutsch, geworden sind.
We had four great EAA afternoons with four different topics. The team spirit in the class is great. In our free time we speak a lot of English because we find it great.
Vivien Wolf (1ew) und Lilian Offenbacher (1ew)
“The Gruffalo” to be staged in the most beautiful EAA/CLIL classroom
1ew classroom is one of the most beautiful ones indeed. Mr Organ, the food pyramid and animals’ natural habitats are featuring on the back wall, whereas the windows are a revolving showcase of Saint Patrick’s day as well as word fields on clothes, hobbies and other important seasonal topics, such as a performance of “The Gruffalo”.
Halloween magic
We had an awesome time during our first EAA/CLIL-afternoon on the topic of Halloween. I liked this afternoon a lot because all of us laughed a lot and almost couldn’t stop. After finding out more about the historical background of Halloween, we made pumpkin and vampire crafts, played „Bobbing for apples“, and even dressed up as mummies. I think this was one of the best days at school this year so far, and staying at school until 5 p.m. was just great, even if it made me really tired.🎃🎃🎃
Stephanie Barth, 1ew
Saint Patrick’s day
The EAA afternoons are a special afternoon for the English class 1ew. The topics of the third afternoon were St. Patricks’ day, Easter and Ireland. In the Ireland group we all learned 7 facts about Ireland and the national Irish dance. We also learned about Saint Patrick´s Day and the life of St. Patrick. We all wore something green and made our own shamrock pin and an Irish mask. And in the Easter group we did a puzzle about Easter. Before we left the Easter group, we had a quiz. The fastest kids got chocolate. That was fun!🍀🍀🍀
Adrian Skoff-Yang, 1ew
Level 2
2gk – Farewell to Prof. Mag. Ingrid Sonnek
After a number of interesting and exciting EAA-afternoons this year, 2gk presented a lovely programme for the final event, the parents‘ evening, in June. This occasion was also used to say thank-you to Prof.Mag. Ingrid Sonnek, who had been the subject and form teacher of this class for two years. Thus the students of 2gk had prepared a special programme, which they dedicated to Prof. Mag. Ingrid Sonnek.
The evening started with the song “Applaus, Applaus“, whose words the students had changed in their music classes to express their gratitude to Prof. Mag. Ingrid Sonnek.
Sind uns´re Noten nicht so gut, gibst du uns noch ´ne Chance,
Und munterst uns dazu noch auf.
Du unterrichtest mit Bedacht, durch all den Lärm,
und trotzdem schaffst du uns auch ´was zu lehren.
Applaus Applaus für deine Arbeit!
Unser Herz geht auf, wenn du uns hilfst.
Applaus Applaus, für deine Art uns zu begleiten.
Hör niemals damit auf!
Wir wünschen uns sehr,
du hörst niemals damit auf
We say goodbye, we are so grateful,
For your support and your help.
Thank you that you were always proud of us
Never stop your passion, we wish you the best
And stay the way you are.
Then followed a number of sketches, which focused on, for example, history or religious education, riding a bicycle or climate activists in Egypt. Some of them were aimed at making people laugh, for example the talent show.
Students also demonstrated their knowledge of mathematics and physics and showed an experiment. The quizzes on ice cream and summer activities invited the audience to take part actively.
2gk is, however, not only an EAA-class but also a very talented group of students, who can sing and dance as well. The songs and dances were phantastic and added to the success of the the evening.
Finally, some students recited a poem that they had written in their English classes to say thank-you and farewell to Prof. Mag. Ingrid Sonnek, who was certainly moved by these words (see below a few lines of the poem).
Prof. Sonnek, we have known you for two years,
and finally want to give you big cheers.
Of course, you taught us History and Religious Education,
and that with great determination.
You told us a lot about the Romans and Greeks,
about battles, pyramids, and so on, for weeks.
We also learned about Jesus and the Jews,
so much it is hard to choose.
You were patient, helpful and kind,
which is really hard to find.
Your leaving makes us sad,
yet we will also be glad
to have had you in our class for a while,
leaving us with a very big smile.
So let us tell you once more,
our wishes, which we’re sure, you won’t ignore:
and finally a big hug,
some chocolates and flowers,
which will, hopefully, not just keep for hours.
ALL THE BEST, dear Prof. Sonnek,
and FAREWELL, your 2gk.
A big thank-you to all the teachers who contributed to this evening in different ways:
Prof. Mag. Herta Alikhani, Prof. OStR.Mag. Monika Clark, Prof. Mag. Klaus Irgang, Prof. Mag. Elisabeth Ortner, Prof. Mag. Christiane Pommer, Prof. Mag. Christa Schmitt, Prof. Mag. Ingrid Sonnek, Prof. Mag. Dr. Ströbitzer-Hermann, Prof. Mag. Dr. Birgit Winkler.
Prof. Mag. Dr. Eva Lechner, who is responsible for the EAA programme, was also there on behalf of the headmaster, Dir. HR Prof. Mag. Josef Wieser.
Many thanks also to the parents who attended this evening and who donated food and drinks, which everyone enjoyed.
Mag. Dr. Birgit Winkler
1. Platz bei Faszination Technik!
Die 2gk (Englischklasse) holte bei der Faszination Technik Challenge in der Unterstufenwertung den 1. Platz und damit € 1.000 für die Klassenkassa!
Das ganze Projekt startete bereits im Winter. Wir durften wieder mit der Firma Neuroth GmbH kooperieren, mit der einige Jahre davor schon großartige Erfolge erzielt wurden. Koordiniert wurde diese „Technik in den Betrieben der Region“ über die Wirtschaftskammer, mit unserer Ansprechpartnerin und Berufsfindungsbegleiterin Ute Khom. Ziel ist es unter anderem Begeisterung für technische Berufe zu wecken, und da es in unserem Fall um Hörgeräte und Gehörschutz ging, wurde das Projekt von Mag. Klaus Irgang, BSc. (Physik) und Mag. Dr. Margit Ströbitzer-Hermann (Biologie) betreut.
Nach einer Auftaktveranstaltung in der Schule folgten Betriebsbesichtigungen in der Zentrale in Lebring und der Neuroth Filiale am Hauptplatz Leibnitz. Parallel wurde zum Thema Akustik und Ohr in Physik und Biologie gelernt und experimentiert. Danach begann die Ausarbeitung der Präsentation. Die Klasse hat dabei großartigst selbstständig gearbeitet: Sie haben selbst ihre Demonstrationsexperimente ausgewählt und hergestellt, Plakate gezeichnet, eine PowerPoint erstellt, die Zeit und Bewertungs-Kriterien im Blick behalten, sich eine lustige Inszenierung für die Bühne ausgedacht und sich auch um das leibliche Wohl und den Spaß aller gekümmert. Die Lehrpersonen mussten „nur“ den Rahmen schaffen und den nötigen Feinschliff mitgeben, alles andere machten die vielen kleinen Untergruppen und das große Klassen-Team selbst.
Umso unglaublicher ist der Erfolg am 22.05.2024 in der WKO in Graz. Gegen mehrere andere großartige Teams mussten sie sich vor einer hochkarätigen Fachjury aus Wirtschaft, Bildung und Technik bewähren (z.B. WK Präsident Jose Herk, Bildungsdirektorin Elisabeth Meixner, Vertreter:innen der AVL…). Präsentiert wurde vor einem vollen Saal inkl. Fernsehkameras und Live-Stream. Das präzise Einhalten aller Bewertungs-Kriterien und der Spaßfaktor „Professor Zweistein“ dürften wohl zum Sieg verholfen haben. Der zerstreute Zweistein hätte die Aufgabe gehabt, neue Auszubildende bei Neuroth einzuschulen. Allerdings hörte er zu schlecht, durfte dann live einen „Flaschen-Hörtest“ durchführen und bekam schließlich ein Hörgerät verpasst.
Nicht unerwähnt soll auch die 6aw bleiben, welche unter Leitung von Mag. Navid Uhde und Mag. Martin Pratl mit der Firma Druckguss Fink GmbH ebenfalls an der Challenge teilgenommen hat. Das B(R)G Leibnitz war damit die einzige Schule, welche mit zwei Teams angetreten ist.
Das Projekt war ein großer Spaß. Berufsorientierung, regionale Technik, Teamarbeit, Wirtschaft und Bühnenshow ersetzten für einige Stunden den regulären Physik- und Biologieunterricht. Und es geht weiter, denn im Anschluss wird alles auf Englisch übersetzt und am parents evening Anfang Juni ein weiteres Mal präsentiert werden. Aber auch das Feiern gehört dazu; mit € 1.000 Preisgeld geht sich auch mehr als einmal Eisessen aus…
Klaus Irgang
Level 3
3ew: EAA Afternoons
3ew is an English class, therefore we had, like every other EAA class (Englisch als Arbeitssprache), four afternoons where we talked about several topics. The first afternoon was all about Christmas. We talked about Christmas traditions and Christmas in Australia. The funniest thing was a catwalk. We had to impress the jury by walking as majestic as we could. The jury then selected a winner. Almost like a real runway show. We also wrote texts about Santa’s journey and wrote our own letter to Santa.
On the second afternoon, we made up inventions, which we then presented. We also got together in pairs and interviewed each other about our inventions. In another station we talked about crazy and possibly unnecessary inventions and thought about what the future might bring.
On the third afternoon, we talked about a topic which is very relevant nowadays. The LGBTQIA+ community, gender identity, pride month and why we should support them instead of fighting against people in the LGBTQIA+ community. We also talked about another very important topic, women rights. In my opinion this was maybe the most important afternoon.
The fourth and last afternoon for that year is going to be about our presentation evening. We have a lot planned for that evening and have to learn a lot of text by heart. We prepared something in every subject. For example: a quiz in biology class, a presentation in religion class, skits in English class, a history tinder, experiments in physics a collage of our paintings in arts and a lot more.
All in all, we had interesting and funny afternoons, and we are already looking forward to next year’s.
Thomas Kürbisch (3ew)
3eW visits Steiermärkische Sparkasse
On the 5th of March we went to the “Steiermärkische Sparkasse Leibnitz”. There we learned a lot about the bank itself and the jobs that you have or can have if you work there. We got a guided tour and saw the vault, money and a kilo of gold, that we were even allowed to touch. That was very impressive for us and none of us have never had so much money in their hands. There was also a presentation, where we got to know everything that is important about interests, products of the bank, the numbers on a debit card, etc. At the very end we got out of the building with a lot more knowledge about the bank and its system.
Kim Viktoria Neubauer, 3eW
Level 4
Looking back on four years of EAA/CLIL-class
If I look back on the last four years I would definitely say that it was a great time, which has just passed way too fast. Even though I was always waiting for the next holidays or the weekend, I still had lots of fun in school. Especially in the last two years we definitely managed to turn our sometimes boring lessons into funny and enjoyable ones.
We went through a lot together, which is why our class has just grown closer and has become a great community, where everybody contributes to strengthening our group.
The longer I think about these years, the more I realise that this time was so much more than just school. We made new friends and memories- I have learnt more than only facts about school subjects.
These years have taught me to make the best out of everything, to always see the bright sides of life and that every day is a new day with new chances and possiblities. I am really sad to leave this school, but I am very thankful for this great time and still looking forward to see what the next few years will bring.
Marie Weiglhofer 4ew
The past four years of English have been absolutely amazing. I’ve always had a natural talent for the subject since I was young, and my love for it has only grown over time. I looked forward to every English lesson. Not only did I like those past years because of English but also because of the memorable moments I spent laughing with friends during lessons. These experiences made learning enjoyable and fun. I will never forget these 4 years after leaving grammar school. I will mostly miss my favorite teachers! I will miss them a lot but I will of course visit them in the future!
Elina Sayarchamani 4e
One chapter over, another one begins
After four beautiful years the students of the 4ew are going to go different ways. Some have decided to move on to upper forms here and others are going to choose a different path.
Looking back, our time together has been really exciting. Not only did we learn a lot and improved our English, but we grew together as a class and right now it’s really difficult to imagine that some of us won’t be here next year.
But school isn’t only about studying. We had a lot of fun and did some… well, rather crazy things like building a tower out of chairs (of course this was done with caution) or trying to convince our teachers that homework over the weekend wasn’t necessary (that was surprisingly more difficult). The lessons were always funny and entertaining, and our teachers tried to make these years of our lives as memorable as possible.
All in all, these past four years have been a great experience for all of us and we are looking forward to the next ones!
Rosalie Tscheppe 4ew
What I loved most about the four past years of English is the fact that we as a class worked together quite well. I also enjoyed learning new grammar and vocabulary and I‘m proud of myself that my English has improved a lot since first class because I remember I wasn‘t really great in English at that time and now I have reached a different level! I loved it, it was amazing and it was a great experience!
Valerie Serton 4ew
For the last few years we built up a great class-community. We were really lucky for staying together as a class and weren‘t separated. We used this chance to create many friendships. Furthermore, we grew together during the skiing-week and the Vienna-week. In addition, we had time during the EAA-afternoons to play fun games and enjoy each others‘ company, which was such fun that we didn‘t even mind staying in school for the whole day. The EAA/CLIL class was a great oportunity for me to learn English much better and how to use it in normal life. Last but not least, the last school week was always great, because we could take trips to places we had never visited before! The last four years were the best time of my life and I am really sad to leave this school.
Leonie Moser 4ew
For the last four years we have built a great class community. To memorise these super fun years we have made this time capsule box and asked our classmates to write down their favorite memories and put them in this box. For some little details we printed out pictures of us and drew some stars. We read through them and most of you wrote about the Vienna week. Maybe that’s because we can’t really remember the years before that or it was just really the funniest thing we did.
I personally think that the last four years in an EAA class were great. Making new friendships each year was definitely one of the best things in the past few years.
Lena Platzer 4ew
In the last 4 years I met many nice and funny people and the last four years have been the best ones in my life so far. So, what did the last four years look like?
In first grade, the Covid pandemic happened and it sounded nice at first, not going to school, online schooling, fewer lessons. However, looking back on it, I did not learn as much as I would have normally done because through the computer many subjects couldn’t be taught so well, and some were not even taught at all. But we weren’t in online schooling for the whole year, just most of the time.
Second year was great apart from the fact that Covid was still around. At least there was no homeschooling, but we had to go to school in shifts and at one point half of our class got Covid which meant back to homeschooling but at least we could form some memorable memories during the skiing week, when we had a lot of fun. Our class even was on the news in ORF, the report was about how we feel about going to school during Covid and with a face mask. That was an interesting experience.
Then third grade came. It was one of the best years we had had so far, no mask, no homeschooling for the whole year. We even had a skiing week which was way better than the one in second grade.
But all in all, in my opinion the best year was fourth grade. Vienna week perfect, timetable perfect, teachers perfect.
These were my last four years with one of the best classmates I could have ever wished. Now the upper grades come, I hope they will be as good as the lower grades.
Philipp Prattes, Paul Prattes, Georg Moser 4ew
…The best thing were the EAA-afternoons and our presentation evenings, during which we showed to our parents what we had learnt in all various subjects. All in all, the past four years were a great experience and I’m looking forward to sharing four more years with my wonderful friends.
John-Otto Stürzer 4ew
Cola Berry Blast
As the fourth year as an English class is slowly coming to an end, we decided to have some extra fun and spent our 3rd English afternoon with molecular gastronomy, bubble tea and cocktails. While the Cola caviar was a success and improved our fancy cocktails, the fake (blueberry) mozzarella turned out a bit messy – but that´s science!
You can see photos of our eager students and our results below.
Julia Brandstätter, Fabienne Schantl
Level 5
Podcast: Physics
Podcast 1: Newton
Podcast 2: Sonne
Podcast 3: GPS
Podcast 4: Kosmologie
Level 6
So Long, Dublin
In April the students of 6abw went to Dublin. Some of the students had never been on a plane before and therefore got the emotional support from their classmates. The students had to go to school in the morning and after that they spent their afternoons in Dublin city, went hiking or visited an ancient castle. They have made great memories and enjoyed their trip a lot (as you can see in the pictures).
Book of the Month: The Bluest Eye
Listen to some students talking about the book important themes and their personal opinion about it.
Some students of 6aw interviewed two members of ‚Pro Mente Steiermark‘ for their second Podcast episode on mental health.
The organization supports people’s mental health and just recently created a live chat that offers advice every day from 5pm to 9pm.
Fun memes!